Anti Wrinkling

What brand of neuromodulator do you use?


Do I have to be older to get Botox injections?

No. We recommend to start preventative Botox at the age of 25. Wrinkles and fine lines are much easier to prevent then erase.

Is Botox used to treat wrinkles only?

No, Botox can also be used for:

  • Gummy Smiles
  • Nose Lifts
  • Lip Flips
  • Brow Lift
  • Chin
  • Excessive Sweating
  • Acne prevention and elimination in TZONE area
  • Jaw Slimming/teeth grinding

How does Botox work?

Botox works by relaxing the muscle, decreasing the amount of contractions and reducing the amount of wrinkles being formed. Wrinkles are a result of the muscle contractions in your face that create lines.

How long does Botox last?

3-4 months before needing another treatment.

Will Botox make me look “frozen”?

No. The licensed registered nurse will determine appropriate dosing to ensure there is still some movement, but that there is a smoother and more youthful appearance. However if a client requests to be frozen, this can be done.

How is Botox dosed?

Botox is dosed by individual “units”.

How much does Botox cost?

$9 / unit.

How many units of Botox will I need?

This varies from person to person and what area you’re looking to treat. The forehead typically takes anywhere from 30-50 units.

What complications can arise from getting Botox?

Slight bruising and redness, allergic reaction or aesthetically unpleasant results.

What is the aftercare for Botox?

Depending on the treated area, you are not too touch, massage or put any product on the area. Avoid strenuous activity for the next 24 hours, hot showers or saunas, and alcohol or blood thinners. The registered nurse will take you through the aftercare thoroughly once treatment is done.

What if I don’t like the results of my Botox treatment?

Unfortunately there is no way to reverse the effects of Botox, however results aren’t permanent and will subside in 3 months.

Botox + Hydrafacial

Who will be doing the services?

Our treatments are performed by a licensed registered nurse, overseen by a nurse practitioner.

How long does the effect of Botox and Hydrafacial last?

The effects of Botox can last between 3 to 6 months, depending on individual factors such as your skin type, lifestyle, and metabolism. Hydrafacial benefits can last up to a week or more, with the best results seen when treatments are done routinely.

How soon can I see results after the Botox and Hydrafacial treatments?

Botox results typically start to show within 24 to 48 hours, with the full effects visible in about 7 to 10 days. Hydrafacial delivers instant and long-lasting results that you can see and feel as soon as your treatment concludes.

Chemical Peels

What do chemical peels do?

Chemical peeling agents resurface the skin by inducing a controlled wound and thus removing superficial layers of the skin. As a result, chemical peels promote the growth of a new healthy top skin layer and improve skin problems like hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, uneven texture and skin impurities.

What should I expect during treatment?

Procedures may vary dependent on the type of chemical peel chosen. Skin is prepped using a medical degreaser to ensure the treated area is free of any oils left on the skin. The chemical agent is then applied and typically remains on the skin for 3 to 5 minutes. Most patients feel a mild stinging which is temporary and usually subsides after a few minutes. Some peels are designed to self neutralize and may remain on your skin for 2-4 hours.

How long is the recovery after a chemical peel and what type of care is necessary?

Recovery times will vary based on the type and strength of the peel. Immediately after the peel, your skin will feel tight and may be red. Any visible peeling will be light and fluffy and easily controlled with moisturizer. Peeling usually lasts 3-5 days, depending on the actual peel treatment. Use of gentle cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen is important, as it will enhance the healing process and results. Normal activity may be resumed after the peel, however strenuous exercise and heavy sweating should be avoided for 2-3 days. Sun exposure should be avoided while skin is peeling; exposure of treated skin to a lot of heat should also be avoided as it may induce swelling, redness and for deeper peels blisters under the skin. Peeling skin should be allowed to slough off naturally; picking or peeling of flaking skin is prohibited, as it may lead to scarring. Use of prescription topicals should be avoided for 3-5 days post peel.

Why did I not have any visible peeling after my peel?

The success of the peel should not be judged by the amount of peeling, but by the end results that the peel will produce. The amount of peeling may vary depending on individual skin condition at the time of the peel or the depth of the peel.

Regardless of the degree of peeling, the skin is still sloughing off at an accelerated rate, resulting in the improvement of skin tone and texture and an improvement of fine lines and uneven pigmentation.

What products or procedures should I avoid before a chemical peel?

  • One week before the peel avoid waxing, electrolysis, deploritory creams, and laser hair removal.
  • Two to three days before the peel discontinue using any prescription topicals such as Retin-A, differin or Tazorac, as well as any products containing retinol, alpha hydroxyl acids (AHA), beta hydroxyl acids (BHA) or benzoyl peroxide.
  • Patients who have had any medical cosmetic facial treatments or procedures such as Laser treatments, cosmetic fillers or other surgical procedures should wait until skin sensitivity has completely resolved before receiving a peel.

What are the contraindications to chemical peels?

Chemical peels should be avoided if any of the following conditions are present:

  • Active cold sores, herpes simplex or warts in the area to be treated
  • Wounded, sunburned or excessively sensitive skin
  • Accutane use within the last year
  • History of recent chemotherapy or radiation therapy
  • Allergies to aspirin
  • Women who are pregnant or actively breastfeeding
  • Patients with Vitiligo
  • Patients with a history of autoimmune disease (such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, lupus, multiple sclerosis etc) or any condition that may weaken their immune system

What can I expect after the 1st 24 hours after the peel?

Your skin will feel tighter and be more red than usual. Your skin may feel tacky and have a yellowish orange tinge that subsides in a few hours. This is due to the Retinoic acid applied to the skin. This is a self neutralizing peel and patients should wait at least 4hours before washing there face that evening.

When will my skin start to peel and for how long?

Peeling will generally start 48-72 hours after your treatment and can last 2-5 days. It is very important not to pick off peeling skin; peeling is minimal and easily controlled with moisturizer. Premature peeling of the skin will result in dry, cracked, raw skin that may develop into hyperpigmentation.

May I exercise after the peel?

Exercise that produces a lot of heavy sweating should be avoided the day of the peel. You may resume all regular activities the next day.

How do I care for my skin after the peel?

Use of a soap free gentle cleanser shall be used to wash your face, scrubs and wash cloths should be avoided while skin is peeling. Application of a hydrating moisturizer twice a day or as often as necessary is recommended to relieve dryness and control peeling. TNS ceramide cream, Elta intense moisturizer or Neocutis bio cream are all highly suggested. A physical Sunblock must be worn daily. Its best to avoid prolonged sun exposure for 1-week post peel.

What is the AlumierMD GLOW PEEL?

The GLOW peel combines the strongest and most effective acids suitable for all skin types. It is a blended peel formulated with Trichloroacetic acid (TCA), Salicylic acid, Retinoic acid, Phenol, and Vitamin C. This is a great peel for treating hyperpigmentation, aging skin, and acne.

How many peels will I need, and how far apart should they be done?

A single peel will add a healthy glow, improving skin tone, texture and clarity. It reduces or eliminates hyperpigmentation, sunspots and softens fine lines and wrinkles. The number of treatments varies by individual needs and conditions and will be determined by our medical aesthetician. For extremely damaged skin, the GLOW peel can be done once a month for quicker results. For most patients 2-3 Glow peels a year is all you need to maintain your results. Maintaining a proper skin care regime between peels will ensure the best duration of your results.

What will I look like right after the GLOW peel and how much will I peel?

Your skin will look slightly tan or bronzed immediately after the peel due to the retinoic acid. This fads within the hour. Over the next few days your skin will feel tighter, any pigmented areas may appear slightly darker at first. Skin peeling usually begins by day 3, it’s a light fluffy peeling and is easily controlled with moisturizer. In some cases the peel is virtually invisible. Patients on Retin-A may experience heavier peeling. By day 6 or 7 you will be done peeling and your skin will look amazing.

Are there any restrictions of activities after the GLOW peel?

We recommend avoiding heavy sweating for the first few days after the peel. Normal activities may be resumed immediately after the peel. Its advisable to keep sun exposure to a minimum when skin is peeling. SPF is a required daily.


Who will be doing the services?

Our treatments are performed by a licensed registered nurse, overseen by a nurse practitioner.

How soon can I start?

We are now accepting new patients by appointment only. Appointments can start as early as a week after speaking with one of our certified healthcare providers.

What do chemical peels do?

Chemical peeling agents resurface the skin by inducing a controlled wound and thus removing superficial layers of the skin. As a result, chemical peels promote the growth of a new healthy top skin layer and improve skin problems like hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, uneven texture and skin impurities.

Fat Dissolving

Who will be overseeing the treatments?

Our Fat Dissolving Treatments are helmed by licensed registered nurses, supervised meticulously by a seasoned nurse practitioner to ensure you receive nothing but the best.

How quickly will I see the results?

Results can vary based on individual body type and metabolism. However, many clients observe noticeable improvements after the first session itself. It’s essential to understand that while the fat cells destroyed during the treatment don’t regenerate, maintaining a balanced lifestyle is crucial for long-lasting results.

Are there any side effects?

While the procedure is generally safe, some might experience temporary side effects such as mild swelling, redness, or numbness in the treated area. Any symptoms typically subside within a few days. During your consultation, we’ll discuss this in detail to ensure your comfort and safety.

How long do fat dissolving injections last?

To achieve optimum results from fat dissolving, multiple sessions could be required, depending on the surface area. Once the fat cells have been removed…it’s gone for good.


What type of filler do you use?

Restylane and Revanesse – a hyaluronic acid based filler.

How long does Filler last?

The lip area typically last 6-12 months, while jawline, cheeks, chin and laughline filler can last upto 18 months. Results may vary as everyone’s body metabolizes it at a different rate.

Who can’t get fillers?

Pregnant women, women that are breastfeeding, anyone who has allergies to lidocaine, or have a history of cold sores, and anyone with autoimmune disorders.

Can I get filler if I have sensitive skin?

Yes. The sensitivity of your skin doesn’t affect the ability to get fillers. Individuals may have a longer heal time, but no harmful side effects.

Will my lips look fake, for “ducky”?

No, at Boss Aesthetics, less is more. We use a conservative approach to ensure natural but noticeable results. Check out our instagram for our before/afters.

What complications can arise from getting lip fillers?

Bruising, bleeding, swelling and infection. A more rare complication called a “vascular occlusion” can happen. This is when one of the vessels or arteries can get blocked with filler and stop blood flow. This is reversible with the antidote “hyaluronidase”, which dissolves the filler and restores blood flow.

Can I dissolve my filler if I don’t like it?

Yes, but there are no refunds.

When can I come in for a top up, if I want more?

At the 2 week mark.

How do I know how many syringes I will need for a treatment?

Here are the general guidelines of how many syringes are needed for each area:

  • Lips: 1-3 syringes
  • Chin: 1-3 syringes
  • Laugh Lines: 1-3 syringes
  • Jawline: 2-4 syringes
  • Cheek: 1-2 syringes

*All treatments come with free consultation to discuss how many syringes are needed to achieve desired look.

Who will be injecting me?

A licensed Registered Nurse, overseen by a Nurse Practitioner.

Fine Lines

Who will be doing the services?

Our treatments are performed by a licensed registered nurse, overseen by a nurse practitioner.

What results can I expect from the Fine Lines & Wrinkles Program?

This program is designed to reduce fine lines, deep wrinkles, large pores, and sagging skin. It also helps in contouring unbalanced facial features and smoothing uneven skin tone. While results may vary depending on individual skin conditions and lifestyle, clients will experience a significant improvement in their skin’s appearance.

Will this program be enough for me to reach my desired beauty goals?

Many clients see noticeable improvements after their initial program. However, the severity of wrinkles and the desired degree of improvement may necessitate additional treatments. During your consultation, we’ll develop a personalized plan to meet your unique skin care goals.

Frown Lines

Who will be doing the services?

Our treatments are performed by a licensed registered nurse, overseen by a nurse practitioner.

What type of results can I expect?

You are guaranteed to see a noticeable difference however, depending on your goals and your starting baseline, you may need a longer program.

How soon can I start the treatment?

We are now accepting new patients by appointment only. Treatments can start as early as a couple days after speaking with one of our certified healthcare providers.


Who will be doing the hydrafacial?

A licensed registered nurse, overseen by a nurse practitioner.

Will this hydrafacial be enough for me to reach my desired beauty goals?

You are guaranteed to see a noticeable difference however, depending on your goals and your starting baseline, you may need more and/or various aesthetic treatments.

Who Should Get a Hydrafacial?

Everyone except for those with active rashes, sunburns, rosacea or anyone pregnant.

Laser Hair

Who will be doing the services?

Our treatments are performed by a licensed registered nurse, overseen by a nurse practitioner.

Is it safe for all skin types?

Yes. We have a brand new industry-leading laser hair removal machine called, The Excel® HR. The machine features a combination of 755nm Alexandrite laser and a 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser which allows it to be safely used on a wide range of skin types.

How many sessions will I need?

The number of treatment sessions required can depend on several factors, including the area being treated, the density and growth cycle of the hair, and individual response to treatment. Your practitioner will provide a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs during your consultation.

How soon can I start?

We are now accepting new patients by appointment only. Appointments can start as early as a week after speaking with one of our certified healthcare providers.

Lip Filler

Who will be doing the services?

Our treatments are performed by a licensed registered nurse, overseen by a nurse practitioner.

Are the results permanent?

When it comes to lip fillers, the results will not be permanent. Because the filler is made up of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance, your body will eventually metabolize it.

How soon can I start?

We are now accepting new patients by appointment only. Appointments can start as early as a week after speaking with one of our certified healthcare providers.


Who will be doing the services?

Our treatments are performed by a licensed registered nurse, overseen by a nurse practitioner.

How long does lip filler last?

Lip fillers are not permanent, but they can last for several months to over a year, depending on the individual’s metabolism. On average, lip fillers last for 6 to 12 months after treatment.

How quickly will I see results after my lip filler?

You can expect to see immediate results after your lip filler treatment. Full results will be noticeable as quickly as 24 hours after the treatment.

Is there an age limit for this offer?

Clients must be 18 years or older to be eligible for this promotion. Identification may be required.

Lips & Cheeks

Who will be doing the services?

Our Lip + Cheek treatments are performed by a licensed registered nurse, supervised by a nurse practitioner.

How long does lip filler last?

Fillers are not permanent, but they can last for several months to over a year, depending on the individual’s metabolism. On average, fillers last for 6 to 12 months after treatment.

How quickly will I see results after my lip filler?

You can expect to see immediate results after your treatment. Full results will be noticeable as quickly as 24 hours after the treatment.


What is Microneedling?

Microneedling – it is a skin treatment procedure that involves an electric skin-needling device. The device contains 12 very fine needles. It is used during micro-needling procedures to break down old scar tissue and push skin cell generation. Cell production leads to the creation of new layers of elastin and collagen fiber and leads to improved blood flow in the skin.

How Does Microneedling Work?

The device slides along the skin and penetrates upper layers of the skin to a depth of up to 2mm to create tiny needle wounds. This signals the body to respond by producing collagen and elastin fibers. As a result, the skin becomes fuller, thus reducing the appearance of scars, lines, and wrinkles.

What Conditions Does Microneedling Treat?

Some of the conditions that medical microneedling is known to improve include: mild to moderate acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, sagging skin, skin texture and pore size, and stretch marks

What Will I Look Like After the Treatment?

Most people will notice redness and mild swelling similar to slight sunburn for 24-48 hours and there may be slight pinpoint bleeding and/or bruising. Skin will be noticeably smoother and more radiant within a week or two. Full results will take a few months to appear.

What Does the Procedure Involve?

It begins with cleaning and numbing the skin using a collagen-stimulating product, Vitamin C serum, or a skin lightener. A small pen with 12 tiny needles is used to create tiny wounds in the skin. The speed and adjustability of the needles allows for more effective piercing and absorption of skin products. Vitamin-C serum or Hyaluronic acid is used after the procedure to hydrate, heal and protect the skin.

What is the DownTime After Microneedling?

Inflammation of the skin is very temporary and reduces greatly within a few hours. It may remain slightly pink for up to 48 hours after treatment. Using hyaluronic acid after the procedure can help reduce inflammation, and sunscreen can be used to protect the skin. Makeup use should be limited to mineral makeup.

How do I take care of my skin after the treatment?

Patients tolerate the procedure easily. However, side effects such as dryness, scaling, redness, or swelling may last for a few days (or longer).

It is recommended that patients protect their skin from the sun after the procedure.

When the procedure is used to treat acne scars, is it recommended that the patient clean his/her face with a gentle cleanser every night?

This should be repeated in the morning and products such as makeup and lotions can be used regularly.
Postoperative wound infections are rare because micro wounds close quickly after the procedure is completed.

If necessary, emollients or antibiotics may be prescribed. Skin rejuvenation will be visible as soon as two weeks after the procedure or as much as six to eight months after. Results for burn scar treatments can take between six months and one year to show.

What Are the Benefits of Microneedling?

Some of the known benefits of known microneedling are that it greatly improves topical cream effectiveness and penetration and stimulates blood circulation and collagen production; the needles are non-allergenic; it is cost-effective relative to other surfacing procedures; it works on all skin types; and it can treat the scalp, face, and body, including skin around the eyes, mouth, and neck.

What Effects Does Microneedling Have on the Skin?

Medical microneedling is known to improve skin text texture, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, regenerate tissue, improve the appearance of scars, reduce the size of pores, and reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

Can Microneedling be Performed on Any Skin Color?

Medical microneedling is safe to use on all skin types and colors without risk of post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation.

Is Microneedling Painful?

Prior to the treatment, numbing cream can be applied to minimize pain that is felt during the procedure.

How Many Treatments Do I Need And How Often Can Microneedling Procedures be Repeated?

Each patients skin condition determines the number of treatments that are needed. Moderate acne scars may need between three and four treatments, while thermal burns and stretch marks may need five.? Conditions such as wrinkles caused by aging, one or two refresher treatments are recommended per year.

Microneedling can be safely repeated every four to six weeks as needed. Collagen induction requires at least three treatments, while scar reduction requires between three and six. Four to six weeks should pass between one treatment and the next. Microneedling can be used on all parts of the body (neck, d?collet?, arms, legs, etc). Usually results begin to appear after the first treatment.

What Are the Side Effects of the Microneedling?

No negative side effects have been observed in the more than 150,000 microneedling procedures that have been done worldwide.

What Should I Avoid on My Skin after the Treatment?

AHAs (glycolic Acid), retinol, acidic or active ingredients should not be used for two to three days after treatment to allow for maximum healing. Sun exposure is not recommended and sunscreen is encouraged.

Am I a Candidate for Microneedling?

Medical microneedling is safe on all skin types and colors because the epidermis is not damaged during treatment. The chance of change in pigmentation or post inflammatory hyper-pigmentation is minimal. Skin microneedling can be used on sensitive and fragile areas (eyes, neck, back of hands) that cannot be treated easily with other procedures. Microneedling is not suitable for patients who have used Accutane (isotretinoin) within the last three months, have open wounds, cuts or abrasions, have had radiation skin treatment within the last year, are suffering from any skin infection, condition, or herpes simplex in the area of concern, are pregnant or breast feeding, have any history of keloid or hypertrophic scars or poor wound healing.

How Much does the Microneedling treatment cost?

The cost of the treatment will be discussed during a free consultation, based on each clients treatment plan that is based on the patients individual needs and desired results. Medical microneedling can be used in conjunction with other treatments.

What Are the Risks of Post-op Infections?

Post-op infections are extremely unlikely given that the tiny wounds close quickly and the treatment is done under clinical conditions.


Who will be doing the program treatments?

Will be performed by Shazmeen Damji, a licensed registered nurse, overseen by a nurse practitioner. All nurses are experienced and have performed over 500 treatments and have many years of experience.

What is the cost of my 8 wk. skincare program?

Depending on the type of treatments and how many sessions are needed, the average 8wk. program costs between $500 – $2,500 after your 50% OFF discount. You can customize your program to your budget and goals in your free consultation.

What treatments will I receive in my custom aesthetic program?

You will receive a combination of injections, facials and medical-grade skin care products. Your program will be determined in your free consultation based on your unique goals, challenges and skin type.

Single Syringe

Who will be doing the services?

Our treatments are performed by a licensed registered nurse, overseen by a nurse practitioner.

Will one syringe of filler be enough for me to reach my desired beauty goals?

While you are guaranteed to see a noticeable difference, it’s important to keep in mind that everyone’s goals and starting baselines are different. Depending on your specific goals and your starting baseline, you may need more and/or various aesthetic treatments to achieve the results you desire. During your free consultation, you and your healthcare professional will work together to determine the best treatment plan for you.

Who should get filler?

Filler is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment that can be used to address a variety of facial concerns, including wrinkles, fine lines, volume loss, and uneven skin tone. During your free consultation, your qualified healthcare professional will evaluate your specific concerns and goals and discuss the best treatment options for you. They will take into account your unique facial structure, skin type, and other factors to determine if filler is the right treatment for you.

Vampire Facial - Microneedling with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

What’s a vampire facial (or Microneedling with PRP), and how does it work?

The vampire facial is done through microneedling. Professionals use a microneedling device to safely and precisely create controlled micro-injuries to the skin. Then platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is injected into the skin to trigger new collagen and elastin production, break up existing scar tissue and make the skin look and feel smoother, brighter, tighter and more youthful.

What’s the difference between traditional microneedling and the vampire facial? Is one better than the other?

In short, both facial treatments improve the skin’s texture and help to reduce unwanted wrinkles. Healing time is the major difference between the two treatments. With traditional microneedling, you can expect five to seven days of redness or downtime.

Microneedling with PRP, or the vampire facial, decreases downtime to 24 hours. How? By using platelet-rich plasma. You are essentially healing the micro-injuries to the skin as they are inflicted. The rich growth factors and healing properties within the PRP stimulates greater collagen formation and boosts the skin’s natural healing process. Microneedling with PRP is superior to traditional microneedling because you can achieve better results with fewer treatments.

What are some of the most notable vampire-facial benefits?

This treatment is primarily used to address skin texture and stimulate collagen formation, which is important because we stop producing our natural collagen after the age of 25. The vampire facial is also a great remedy for acne or surgical scars because it breaks up scar tissue bands and stimulates deeper healing.

Who would be a good candidate for the Vampire Facial?

The procedure is safe for all skin types, but I would not recommend it to someone who has difficulties getting their blood drawn. The perfect candidate would be someone looking to improve the overall appearance of his or her skin and address deeper collagen formation.

What can someone expect during their first treatment?

Before the vampire facial, photographs are taken to ensure there’s accurate documentation of results and progress. Then the patient is numbed for 30–45 minutes with a cream that goes on the skin. When the patient is numbing, we obtain about 11mL of blood, which is then spun in a centrifuge to separate the PRP from the red blood cells. Once the skin has been prepared appropriately, the microneedling begins.

The entire procedure takes roughly an hour and a half. You don’t wash the PRP off your face until the next morning, as this allows the PRP to continue to heal the skin. You’ll notice a healthy glow after the first few days, but complete results take about 4-6 weeks once full collagen remodeling has taken place.

After-care recommendations while the skin is healing?

After rinsing off the PRP 12–24 hours following the procedure, use a gentle cleanser and follow up with a broad-spectrum SPF moisturizer to protect the skin. Using a hyaluronic serum to maintain skin hydration during the following two to five days after treatment. Patients can resume their normal skin care routine one week following the procedure.